Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer of 2008

Ok....this time, it has been really long since i last wrote. You can expect these delays now that my semester has begun.....too much finance....all around.

This one's just a flashback on how i spent this summer. Don't get bored....the best part is in the end.

May 6, 2008 - Spring semester ends. Internship to start from May 12. Nothing much to do....relaxing.

May 12, 2008 - Internship begins. Everyday to Roanoke, a little boring journey though, but i developed the habit of sleeping over i had another extra hour of sleep everyday. There wasn't a single day when i did not sprint to catch the bus....coz i never used to get up in time...never ever :)
ok...until mid Aug, this went on like this until my internship ended. Nothing much interesting to talk about....except for the amazing eating places that i explored during lunch everyday....good ones....bad ones...terrible ones and then....the heavens. So if anyone of you visits Roanoke, call me up to know where to find what.

Aug 4, 2008 - My boring summer takes a turn on this date. International Student Orientation begins. New students start coming in and we organized 5000 different events for was an, movies, food, trips....too much fun for three weeks. My favorite part....picking up students from the airport....why??? When i used to reach the airport, i used to see these new students sitting together with tonnes of luggage, waiting for someone to come and take them to a place where they can just go and crash.....Totally jetlagged, tired...i can bet these guys would've never looked more innocent than this in their entire lives. And then when they see me (or anyone who's come to pick them up), a ray of hope strikes through their faces and they become as bright as the sun coming out of the darkest clouds in the sky....feels so good to see them excited.

Aug 6, 2008 - All good things come to you at the same time. Sid comes back to US and my drinking desires, that died with the empty streets of downtown blacksburg during the entire summer, re-emerge from the ashes. One of my best buddies, and of course, a big piyakkad...just like me. Since the day he arrived, we have been drinking pretty much every night till now....he was vella but i had my internship and orientation time constraints....still...the drinking hokies prevail. Doesnt matter if i come back at 12 or 1 in the night, we still used to drink. In all these parties, the guests kept on changing but the two of us are always there. We cook, we drink, and then those who don't drink, they eat what we cooked....Around 3.00am in the mornings, all the atif aslams in us come out. Starting from wo lamhe....going upto bakhuda....all songs in a row... in the most authentic versions, straight from the drunk hearts. :)

Now that the fall semester has begun and as we fall to our professor's mercy, i'm pretty sure that these fun nights are not gonna last long....but the weekends would still be rockking....First friday today.....SHARKEYS!!!....our favorite pub, i'm so excited.

All right guys, this is it for this summer. I'll come back again as soon as i find time.

Keep writing,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Blog Update!!!

Check out Aman's comments on the "Goa Trip" post.....i like it when people praise me and i dont hesitate at all to brag...hehehe.

Great comments buddy. You surely added to the great experience. Thanks.

Animesh bhaiya....aap bhi kuch likh do.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Trying to put things together

I need to setup the furniture in my new room....i need to move the desk to that corner...but i see a lot of boxes with tonnes of stuff in that corner, i need to move them first to somewhere else, but why move it if i have to unpack them, take things out of those and put it in the closet...but some boxes have books and other stuff that need to go on my desk, how would i put it unless i put the desk in its right place first?

I need to buy some stuff like a shower curtain, need to clean up a bit, finish up leasing paperwork, i go to office, have some good amount of school work too, friends drag me into the pre-semester parties too in the nights, etc etc etc.....

ok...don't get mad at me. these are just the glimpses of how disoriented and unorganized my life has been in the last 4-5 days....

A lot of things, still inside the boxes...i'd term those as "missing" until i find them. :)
Things are surely better than what they were on the first day i moved, when it took me good time to locate some pretty important stuff e.g. my underwears. :)

Am i enjoying my life right now? I don't know. Coz i just dont even have the time to think about it. It had been long since i wrote something here. Couldnt find anything more interesting in my life than what's going on right now.

There have been some people who have been shouting at me over the phone about me not being able to find time for them. All i would say to them is i'm sor....yeah right...abhi bolta hun your dreams. :)

So what is it that is making things so it too much work, or am i too lazy to do it, am i not meant for all this, too many things at the same time, what is it? Are you looking for an answer stupid can you be. If i knew it, to problem solve na kar deta.

The next question would be, how do i get over this and how long is it going to take? Simple.....karm kiye jao baalak, fal ki chinta mat karo.

This by far is looking to me as the weirdest post on this blog...and i'm pretty sure that you'll agree to me too. See....i get you all kinds of, mysteries, tragedies, relationships...list is just endless.

Believe me...i'll surely come up with something better next time. :)

Keep writing,

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Moving Day !!!!

Bad day....seriously...a real bad one....The reason why it was bad was coz i had to move my stuff to a new aprtment. It's only this day that really makes you realize how much stupid stuff u have that you actually do not need. You so much feel like getting rid of such things at that very moment but you know's difficult to accept the fact that you bought something totally useless for urself....right??

I tell u all the apartments in the world should be furnished. Koi chakkar hi nai moving ka. You leave your old furniture, and you get new at the new place. Once a person decides to move, he should donate his clothes and all other personal belongings too and buy new ones at the new place. To ye sab dhone ka bhi syapa khatam.

Another pain in the wrong area....Packing!!! Oh God....why do things have to be so delicate and matter how hard you try, you'll still manage to break at least some of those. Trivia for you...One thing that my Dad always says whenever we move to a new place....when you pack stuff, you actually find a lot of things that you lost long ago and couldn't find anywhere. However, once you unpack and get settled, you lose many other things than what you actually found when you were packing. So true.

By the way, Unpacking...another big pain. initially i used to have trouble in figuring out which item is in which box. So i started labelling the boxes. Now, i find trouble in figuring out where the required box is. And you know what. The box that you are actually looking for will always somehow manage to be the one hidden right beneath the rest 99 boxes....i tell u these boxes just know how to play with us. They are living things...believe me....they just have pure fun at our misery. You'll find every other damn thing but the one you are actually looking for. And the worst part is, you'll see through all this other stuff on your way to find what you are looking for, and when you actually look for any of these other things sometime later, you won't find it....try the hell u can and you won't. i can bet whatever u want me to on that.

Or leased apartments k syape alag, you've got to make sure that the apartment is in good condition, or else be prepared to shell out some good amount of money from your pocket.

So all in all, the entire moving process tortures you, plays with you, teases you, makes fun of you, makes you realize that you are good for nothing, tells you that you need to go to gym, the list is just endless.

Hope you too have had this experience at some point in your life. Moving is fun...isn't it???
